Saturday, September 14, 2013

Family Reunion!!!!!

Don't forget to come out to Dogwood Park in North Canton tomorrow around 10 or 11 for the family reunion! Remember to bring your own plates, silverware, cups, and a covered dish or desert to share with the family. We will have lemonade for everyone. I will be bringing my computer and printer to scan any family photos you want to be shared on the blog. Also the Aunts and Uncles and their kids will be getting a Griffith Family Calendar. Yes we know there are spelling and name mistakes, but by the time we realized it we had them all printed. Yes Aunt Jessie has two birthdays next year, but that's because she's our favorite. LOL Yes we know that the step-children are not on the calendar for next year because Mom wanted it to be for the Griffith line only. Next year we will include everyone, but not to worry everyone is on my calendar for the blog. I hope to see everyone there tomorrow.

I will be asking for help with my Sociology homework. It's really easy you just have to answer 2 questions about an issue you feel is important in American society. I only need help from those who are between that ages of 40 & 50. Help would be much appreciated.

Even bigger news!!! Uncle Stan and Aunt Jessie are in town and will be at the reunion tomorrow. If you want to see them come on out and enjoy some family time.

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